Sunday Reflection for TRINITY SUNDAY

Readings: 1st – Genesis 1:1-24a Psalm 8 2nd – 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 GOSPEL Matthew 28:16-20

Today is the 74th day of lockdown, whatever it is called: GCQ, ECQ, EMCQ, etc… the reality is we are still not free to  roam and go. Even religious activities are still restricted. Yes, the IATF approved to have Mass in churches but yet only ten persons are allowed including the priest and altar servers. We must understand because no one among its members know about churches or other religious observances and practices. The authority and cohorts are too good to declare commands to be followed.  Some of them hurriedly passed the Anti-Terrorism Bill amidst the perennial societal issues and currently with the finding of solution to novel Corona virus. Because it will not just happen until big pharma based in the US release the long-awaited vaccine! So the President of this Republic and his created IATF plead the whole country to wait a little longer until prices and mark ups be approved. The international loans to combat the pandemic are approved as well so people continue to be receiving supports and helps as they claim and promise but until when is the waiting, we never know. We pray the Filipinos must have overflowing fountain of patience. But church-people are excluded or not qualified for any SAP or from DOLE, etc… Accordingly only the indigents or those names in the barangay’s list can receive help or barangay “ayuda”.  Won’t you believe the street which our church located is perceived to belong to rich people in the barangay? Oh yeah 🙂

To date, today is the 12th Sunday that we missed our Holy Eucharist celebration. Many important events were not done. In the IFI the supposed General Assembly last May 6-9 in Bohol and all the Sectoral National Conventions before it were not done. Understandable because what is being restricted most in this Covid 19 pandemic is DISTANCE or call it social distancing. People are not allowed to gather. Even couples are not allowed to ride in motorbike together.  Well, the jeepney drivers who made a protest calling for help were arrested for violation of social distancing! Any violation of community quarantine is now an offense or criminal act. But it is a public knowledge that a birthday bash of a police general with matching “mananita” and foods/drinks was an exemption and no violation committed.

Yes, churches were not able to celebrate important observances like the Holy Week and especially the Resurrection Sunday or the Easter Season where Christians mark the foundation of faith. We missed the birthday of the whole Christian Churches last Sunday which was the Feast of the Pentecost. And today the Church celebrates the Trinity Sunday, our affirmation of the foundation of our Triune faith. Good for those churches which already resumed Masses. The Parish of the Holy Trinity in Pasay is celebrating its feast today with Bp. Buddy and Fr. Albert on the altar plus sacristans and we do not know yet how many attended the Holy Eucharist for the Feast of the Holy Trinity this Sunday.

I would like to share with you the collect prayer this Sunday:

    “Loving and everlasting God you have given to us your servants’ grace by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”

This indeed an affirmation to our faith. Who wants to argue or refute of what is instilled to us? No one! We believe and accept or we believed and accepted it. Right! Correct. We only differ on HOW to do it; how to live it! But maybe to some, it is the what.  Meaning, how we understand it or what is one’s church is teaching all about it. Well, I will not be dealing or reflecting on the relationship of the three persons in one Godhead, the Holy Trinity the basis of our Triune faith.

The whole readings this Sunday is akin to a big drama. It started on the First Reading, which is the Creation Story to Psalm 8 which was about the Psalm of David, with his gratefulness to God’s works of his fingers, the great creation of heavens, stars and the moon; God’s mindfulness to humankind making them a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. David was in awe for the greatness of God, in giving humans dominion to all under their feet and above them! That was why the psalm in its opening and closing, says:

      “O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”

The second reading is about Paul giving farewell to the people of Corinth and was saying: “Put things in order, listen to my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you” (verses 11-12).

And the Gospel today is taken from the last four verses of the Matthean Gospel (same with the 2nd Letter of Paul to the Corinthians above) which is about the Great Commissioning. It happened in Galilee where the eleven disciples went to a mountain which Jesus directed them. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted (verses 17-18). So Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

In other words, the unbelieving/doubting disciples need to be assured that they have to believe. I really wonder how the exact event occurred. Was there a convincing moment or confrontation between the disciples which needed Jesus to come to them and assert his divine authority? I am thinking aloud, what Jesus would say to us amidst all the trials and challenges the churches are confronted with today. What would Jesus say of the doubts, fears and repression the churches are facing now? What would Jesus be saying to the IFI today? So many questions that need to be dealt with; that need assurance for those who wanted to live following Jesus Christ’s steps.

With the passing of the Anti-Terrorism Bill, no one is indispensable when you are marked! Even we cry that it is FAKE news for ELCAC (End Local Communist Arm Conflict) to publicly mention and declare that our church, IFI is an open-ground movement of communist or terrorist organization. We cry out NO! God forgive them, accusing your embodiment as such is a fallacy! It is indeed a malicious judgment putting IFI constituents at risk. The IFI was proclaimed in 1902 when those accused underground organizations were not yet established. What a great misjudgment making peoples’ lives in danger. Please enlighten them for many lives are put in risk. Keep us away from danger and protect your people from any harm. Keep us safe always from any threats and from this pandemic. Let IFI remain true to its mission and calling.

We will be true as you called us, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations  baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything” as you have commanded us. Because we believe and we trust when you said, “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (verses 19-20).

Indeed, the church, God’s embodiment must continue to live as a good and righteous example to the world. How could we make disciples to all nations when the churches cower to be sincere disciples? How could we baptize and preach salvation when the churches fear to confront evil patrons and principalities? How the churches could teach well about unity, solidarity, peace, justice and dialogue with the people in needs when ministry become a competition of who is superior and rightful ones? The churches with their different dogmas/doctrines, practices and traditions taught their congregations with matching theological, biblical and liturgical underpinnings based on their understanding, teaching and historical backgrounds. How the churches could lead people to obey God’s commandments when they interpret differently or being biased with their interests and benefits received. Lord God help us with your wisdom and discernment and enlighten the churches to be true followers of the Way, the Truth and the Life. 

Thank you God for the wondrous gift of life you bestowed to each one of us, for the beautiful Earth you entrusted to us but we failed to sustain its bounty and goodness for the welfare of humanity. We fall short to keep the good home you granted but instead we become silent of the abuses in our midst because of fear and safety of our own lives. Forgive us, enlighten us and lead us to remain good servants and good stewards as you have commanded the first man and woman in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it (Genesis 2:16); to guard and protect for generation to come. Pardon us in all our shortsightedness and limitation as churches. Notwithstanding, you keep reminding us of your assurance and your faithfulness to be with us to the end of ages.

Again, THANK YOU for the grip and trust afforded, we pray to you dear God, to keep holding us unto you till we retire and withdraw from this lifetime. As St. Paul said to the people of Corinth in his Second letter, “For the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you” (13:13).  Our enormous gratitude to the Triune God: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit for the great assurance. Amen.

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